Q1-1 PDの申請資格になぜ、博士の学位取得後期間の上限を設けるのか。
A1-1 特別研究員制度は、研究活動の初期段階の若手研究者を支援することを趣旨としていることから、学位取得直後の優れた若手研究者への支援に重点化するため、博士の学位取得後期間の上限を設けることとしました。
Q1-2 特別研究員採用経験者は申請することができるか。
A1-2 DCに採用されたことのある者が再度DCに申請することはできません。PDに採用されたことのある者が再度PDに申請することはできません。(内定辞退者は採用者ではありませんので、再度申請可能です。)
Q1-3 DCとして申請した後、学位の取得に伴いPDへ資格変更した者は、PDとして申請が可能か。
A1-3 DCとして申請した後、学位の取得に伴いPDへ資格変更した者は、PDに申請することは可能です。ただし、PDへの申請にあたっては、研究機関移動及び国籍要件を満たす必要があります。
Q1-4 学位取得に伴いDCからPDへ資格変更した際、すでに出身研究機関から受入研究機関を変更している場合、PDへの申請にあたり、再度受入研究機関を移動する必要があるか。
A1-4 出身研究機関以外の研究機関をPDの採用後の受入研究機関として選定することになりますので、再度受入研究機関を移動する必要はありません。ただし、出身研究機関の学籍上の指導教員をPDの採用後の受入研究者とすることはできません。
Q1-5 現在、どこの研究機関にも所属していないが、申請は可能か。
A1-5 可能です。PD及びDCのいずれも、採用年度の4月1日現在で募集要項に記載の要件を満たすことが必要であり、申請時での所属の有無は問いません。
申請手続については、PD及びDC2の場合は受入研究機関(受入研究者の本務先)、DC1の場合は申請時に在学する大学院又は修士課程で在学していた大学院を通じて行ってください。 ただし、DC1に申請する者で、海外の大学院に在学中もしくは出身の大学院が海外の場合は受入研究機関から申請を行ってください。
Q1-6 修士課程修了後就職し、現在いずれの大学院にも在学していないが、DC1に申請することは可能か。
A1-6 可能です。採用年度の4月1日現在で募集要項に記載の要件を満たすことが必要であり、申請時での所属・在学の有無は問いません。
Q1-7 4月以外に入学した者(10月入学者等)は、DCに申請することは可能か。また、DC1とDC2のいずれに申請すればよいか。
A1-7 在学月数の要件を満たすのであれば、申請は可能です。
Q1-8 採用年度の4月1日時点で募集要項に記載のDC1又はDC2の在学月数を満たさないが、成績優秀により、早期修了を認める試験等に合格し、標準修業年限よりも早期に大学院を修了する見込みがある。DC1又はDC2の申請資格はあるか。
A1-8 所属大学等研究機関を通じて本会までお問合せください。
Q1-9 外国籍を持つ者でも申請可能か。
A1-9 DCは、採用時に我が国の大学院博士課程に在学している者であれば、外国籍を持つ者も申請可能です。PDは日本国籍を持つ者、又は申請時以前から日本に永住を許可されている外国人は申請可能です。学位取得者で日本国籍又は永住権を持たない外国人は、外国人特別研究員事業(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/index.html)に申請が可能な場合があります。
Q1-10 日本学術振興会は受入研究機関等を紹介するのか。
A1-10 紹介しません。申請書作成前に受入研究機関と受入研究者は申請者ご自身で探してください。申請者は受入研究者と受入研究機関の担当者と綿密に連絡をとってください。
Q1-11 特別研究員は日本学術振興会および受入研究機関と雇用関係があるのか。
A1-11 特別研究員は日本学術振興会と雇用関係はありません。ただし、令和5(2023)年度より実施している「研究環境向上のための若手研究者雇用支援事業」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/)により「雇用制度導入機関」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/tourokukikan.html)に登録された機関においては、PDを雇用することが可能です。雇用制度導入機関を受入研究機関とする令和7(2025)年度に新規に採用されるPD(ただし、DCとして申請した後、学位の取得に伴いPDへ資格変更した者は、除く。)は、原則受入研究機関に雇用されることとなります。受入研究機関に雇用されるPDと、雇用されないPDとは、受入方法や採用後の取扱いが異なります。
Q1-12 PDと特別研究員-RPD又は海外特別研究員との併願は可能か。
A1-12 特別研究員RPD・海外特別研究員・海外特別研究員-RRAいずれも併願可能です。ただし、重複採用は認められませんので、2つ以上内定があった場合は、採用を希望する事業を1つ選んでいただきます。それ以外は全て辞退してください。
Q1-13 海外の大学からの学位の取得日が採用年度4月2日以降になるケースでは、どのような書類を提出すればよいか。
A1-13 学位を授与する大学による「採用年度4月1日までに博士の学位を授与することが決定している」旨の証明(文書)が期日までに提出された場合には、学位取得証明書が交付されるまで、学位取得証明書の提出を猶予します。この文書には、下記の事項がすべて含まれていることが必要です。
A1-1 特別研究員制度は、研究活動の初期段階の若手研究者を支援することを趣旨としていることから、学位取得直後の優れた若手研究者への支援に重点化するため、博士の学位取得後期間の上限を設けることとしました。
Q1-2 特別研究員採用経験者は申請することができるか。
A1-2 DCに採用されたことのある者が再度DCに申請することはできません。PDに採用されたことのある者が再度PDに申請することはできません。(内定辞退者は採用者ではありませんので、再度申請可能です。)
Q1-3 DCとして申請した後、学位の取得に伴いPDへ資格変更した者は、PDとして申請が可能か。
A1-3 DCとして申請した後、学位の取得に伴いPDへ資格変更した者は、PDに申請することは可能です。ただし、PDへの申請にあたっては、研究機関移動及び国籍要件を満たす必要があります。
Q1-4 学位取得に伴いDCからPDへ資格変更した際、すでに出身研究機関から受入研究機関を変更している場合、PDへの申請にあたり、再度受入研究機関を移動する必要があるか。
A1-4 出身研究機関以外の研究機関をPDの採用後の受入研究機関として選定することになりますので、再度受入研究機関を移動する必要はありません。ただし、出身研究機関の学籍上の指導教員をPDの採用後の受入研究者とすることはできません。
Q1-5 現在、どこの研究機関にも所属していないが、申請は可能か。
A1-5 可能です。PD及びDCのいずれも、採用年度の4月1日現在で募集要項に記載の要件を満たすことが必要であり、申請時での所属の有無は問いません。
申請手続については、PD及びDC2の場合は受入研究機関(受入研究者の本務先)、DC1の場合は申請時に在学する大学院又は修士課程で在学していた大学院を通じて行ってください。 ただし、DC1に申請する者で、海外の大学院に在学中もしくは出身の大学院が海外の場合は受入研究機関から申請を行ってください。
Q1-6 修士課程修了後就職し、現在いずれの大学院にも在学していないが、DC1に申請することは可能か。
A1-6 可能です。採用年度の4月1日現在で募集要項に記載の要件を満たすことが必要であり、申請時での所属・在学の有無は問いません。
Q1-7 4月以外に入学した者(10月入学者等)は、DCに申請することは可能か。また、DC1とDC2のいずれに申請すればよいか。
A1-7 在学月数の要件を満たすのであれば、申請は可能です。
- DC1申請:3年制:12ヶ月未満、4年制:12ヶ月以上24ヶ月未満、5年一貫制:24ヶ月以上36ヶ月未満
- DC2申請:3年制:12ヶ月以上36ヶ月未満、4年制:24ヶ月以上48ヶ月未満、5年一貫制:36ヶ月以上60ヶ月未満
Q1-8 採用年度の4月1日時点で募集要項に記載のDC1又はDC2の在学月数を満たさないが、成績優秀により、早期修了を認める試験等に合格し、標準修業年限よりも早期に大学院を修了する見込みがある。DC1又はDC2の申請資格はあるか。
A1-8 所属大学等研究機関を通じて本会までお問合せください。
Q1-9 外国籍を持つ者でも申請可能か。
A1-9 DCは、採用時に我が国の大学院博士課程に在学している者であれば、外国籍を持つ者も申請可能です。PDは日本国籍を持つ者、又は申請時以前から日本に永住を許可されている外国人は申請可能です。学位取得者で日本国籍又は永住権を持たない外国人は、外国人特別研究員事業(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-fellow/index.html)に申請が可能な場合があります。
Q1-10 日本学術振興会は受入研究機関等を紹介するのか。
A1-10 紹介しません。申請書作成前に受入研究機関と受入研究者は申請者ご自身で探してください。申請者は受入研究者と受入研究機関の担当者と綿密に連絡をとってください。
Q1-11 特別研究員は日本学術振興会および受入研究機関と雇用関係があるのか。
A1-11 特別研究員は日本学術振興会と雇用関係はありません。ただし、令和5(2023)年度より実施している「研究環境向上のための若手研究者雇用支援事業」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/)により「雇用制度導入機関」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/tourokukikan.html)に登録された機関においては、PDを雇用することが可能です。雇用制度導入機関を受入研究機関とする令和7(2025)年度に新規に採用されるPD(ただし、DCとして申請した後、学位の取得に伴いPDへ資格変更した者は、除く。)は、原則受入研究機関に雇用されることとなります。受入研究機関に雇用されるPDと、雇用されないPDとは、受入方法や採用後の取扱いが異なります。
Q1-12 PDと特別研究員-RPD又は海外特別研究員との併願は可能か。
A1-12 特別研究員RPD・海外特別研究員・海外特別研究員-RRAいずれも併願可能です。ただし、重複採用は認められませんので、2つ以上内定があった場合は、採用を希望する事業を1つ選んでいただきます。それ以外は全て辞退してください。
Q1-13 海外の大学からの学位の取得日が採用年度4月2日以降になるケースでは、どのような書類を提出すればよいか。
A1-13 学位を授与する大学による「採用年度4月1日までに博士の学位を授与することが決定している」旨の証明(文書)が期日までに提出された場合には、学位取得証明書が交付されるまで、学位取得証明書の提出を猶予します。この文書には、下記の事項がすべて含まれていることが必要です。
Q3-1 DC1又はDC2採用者について採用期間が残っていても、PDに再申請できるが、採用になった場合、残っていたDCの採用期間は、合算されるのか。
A3-1 合算されません。採用年度の4月1日から3年間がPDの採用期間です。 なお、PDに採用内定となった場合は、採用開始日の前日までに採用中のDCを辞退していただきます。
Q3-2 4月1日以外から採用開始することは可能か。
A3-2 できません。PD、DC2、DC1については、採用開始は4月1日のみです。
なお、令和3(2021)年度、令和4(2022)年度、令和5(2023)年度採用分については、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に伴う資格要件に係る特例取扱いの適用を受けた場合、4月1日以外の採用開始となることもありました。令和6(2024)年度採用分については、当該特例取扱いは実施しません。詳細につきましては、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に伴う令和6(2024)年度採用分特別研究員-DC、PD、 RPDの資格要件に係る特例取扱いについて(通知)をご参照ください。
A3-1 合算されません。採用年度の4月1日から3年間がPDの採用期間です。 なお、PDに採用内定となった場合は、採用開始日の前日までに採用中のDCを辞退していただきます。
Q3-2 4月1日以外から採用開始することは可能か。
A3-2 できません。PD、DC2、DC1については、採用開始は4月1日のみです。
なお、令和3(2021)年度、令和4(2022)年度、令和5(2023)年度採用分については、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に伴う資格要件に係る特例取扱いの適用を受けた場合、4月1日以外の採用開始となることもありました。令和6(2024)年度採用分については、当該特例取扱いは実施しません。詳細につきましては、新型コロナウイルス感染症の影響に伴う令和6(2024)年度採用分特別研究員-DC、PD、 RPDの資格要件に係る特例取扱いについて(通知)をご参照ください。
Q4-1 研究奨励金はどのように支払われるのか。
A4-1 毎月20日(休日や銀行又は本会休業日の場合は翌営業日)に、特別研究員本人名義の口座に振り込みます。
Q4-2 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)はどのように応募するのか。
A4-2 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)の応募手続については、令和6(2024)年度の応募より、特別研究員の申請と同時に受け付けることといたしました。特別研究員奨励費の公募要領については、特別研究員の募集要項と併せてHPに掲載しています。なお、応募手続は、申請機関を通じて行うこととなりますので、当該研究機関の事務担当者の指示に従ってください。
DC1 について、申請機関と特別研究員として研究に従事する機関(「受入研究機関」)が異なる場合も、特別研究員の申請機関を通じて応募してください。
Q4-3 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)はどのように支払われるのか、 また、どのように使用するのか。
A4-3 特別研究員奨励費は、科学研究費助成事業の他の種目と同様、特別研究員の受入研究機関において管理されることとなっておりますので、特別研究員本人に直接支払われることはありません。特別研究員の採用決定後、各受入研究機関に対して交付内定金額等について通知(交付内定)がありますので、受入研究機関の事務担当者の指示に従い、交付申請手続を行ってください。交付申請が受理され、交付決定が行われた後、受入研究機関名義の口座に特別研究員奨励費を送金します。 特別研究員奨励費の使用にあたっての質問は、受入研究機関の科研費担当の方に問い合わせてください。また、科学研究費補助金の使用に関するルールを定めた「補助条件」及び各受入研究機関の会計ルールに従い、これを適正に使用する義務が課せられていますので、これらの内容についても必ず確認してください。
A4-1 毎月20日(休日や銀行又は本会休業日の場合は翌営業日)に、特別研究員本人名義の口座に振り込みます。
Q4-2 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)はどのように応募するのか。
A4-2 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)の応募手続については、令和6(2024)年度の応募より、特別研究員の申請と同時に受け付けることといたしました。特別研究員奨励費の公募要領については、特別研究員の募集要項と併せてHPに掲載しています。なお、応募手続は、申請機関を通じて行うこととなりますので、当該研究機関の事務担当者の指示に従ってください。
DC1 について、申請機関と特別研究員として研究に従事する機関(「受入研究機関」)が異なる場合も、特別研究員の申請機関を通じて応募してください。
Q4-3 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)はどのように支払われるのか、 また、どのように使用するのか。
A4-3 特別研究員奨励費は、科学研究費助成事業の他の種目と同様、特別研究員の受入研究機関において管理されることとなっておりますので、特別研究員本人に直接支払われることはありません。特別研究員の採用決定後、各受入研究機関に対して交付内定金額等について通知(交付内定)がありますので、受入研究機関の事務担当者の指示に従い、交付申請手続を行ってください。交付申請が受理され、交付決定が行われた後、受入研究機関名義の口座に特別研究員奨励費を送金します。 特別研究員奨励費の使用にあたっての質問は、受入研究機関の科研費担当の方に問い合わせてください。また、科学研究費補助金の使用に関するルールを定めた「補助条件」及び各受入研究機関の会計ルールに従い、これを適正に使用する義務が課せられていますので、これらの内容についても必ず確認してください。
Q5-1 申請書を紙媒体で提出してもよいのか。
A5-1 申請書は、「研究者養成事業電子申請システム」を通じてのみ受け付けます。申請者はあらかじめ申請機関を通じてID・パスワードを取得した上で、「研究者養成事業電子申請システム」により申請書を提出(送信)してください。評価書、特別研究員奨励費の応募調書等の添付書類も全て「研究者養成事業電子申請システム」で提出を行っていただきます。
Q5-2 申請書の所定の様式内では記入しきれない場合、ページの追加等は可能か。
A5-2 所定の様式にページを追加したり、新たに用紙を加えたりすることはできません。これらを行った場合は、不備の申請書とみなされ審査にあたり、不利益を生じることがあります。
A5-1 申請書は、「研究者養成事業電子申請システム」を通じてのみ受け付けます。申請者はあらかじめ申請機関を通じてID・パスワードを取得した上で、「研究者養成事業電子申請システム」により申請書を提出(送信)してください。評価書、特別研究員奨励費の応募調書等の添付書類も全て「研究者養成事業電子申請システム」で提出を行っていただきます。
Q5-2 申請書の所定の様式内では記入しきれない場合、ページの追加等は可能か。
A5-2 所定の様式にページを追加したり、新たに用紙を加えたりすることはできません。これらを行った場合は、不備の申請書とみなされ審査にあたり、不利益を生じることがあります。
Q6-1 書面審査を行う「書面審査セット」とは、どのようなものか。
A6-1 書面審査セット(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_sinsa-set.html)とは、書面審査を行うためのグループです。
Q6-2 選考の日程を知りたい。
A6-2 選考日程は、本会特別研究員ホームページ「選考日程」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_nittei.html)に掲載しています。
A6-1 書面審査セット(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_sinsa-set.html)とは、書面審査を行うためのグループです。
Q6-2 選考の日程を知りたい。
A6-2 選考日程は、本会特別研究員ホームページ「選考日程」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_nittei.html)に掲載しています。
Q&A for application for FY2025 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (PD, DC)
Q1-1 Why am I only eligible for a PD fellowship within a certain number of years after obtaining my PhD?
A1-1 The purpose of this fellowship program is to support young researchers at an initial stage of their careers. This program focuses on supporting young researchers just after they obtain their doctorates. Accordingly, we set a time limit on the eligible period after obtaining a PhD.
Q1-2 I was selected as a JSPS Research Fellow in the past. Can I apply for this fellowship again?
A1-2 It depends on the fellowship category that you will apply for. A former DC fellow can apply for a PD fellowship, but cannot apply for a DC fellowship again. In the same manner, a former PD fellow cannot apply for a PD fellowship again.
Q1-3 I was selected as a DC fellow after which my fellowship category changed from DC to PD as I have obtained a PhD. May I apply for a PD fellowship in this case?
A1-3 Yes, however, applicants need to meet both the nationality and selecting host institution’s requirements for the PD fellowship.
Q1-4 Upon earning my doctoral degree and changing my fellowship category from DC to PD, I changed my host research institution from the doctorate granting institution. Will I need to change my host research institution again to apply for PD Fellowship?
A1-4 You do not need to change your current host research institution again as you are selecting a research institution other than the doctorate granting institution as your host research institution after being awarded PD Fellowship. However, your academic advisor of record at your research institute during graduate studies cannot be your host researcher after you have been awarded PD Fellowship.
Q1-5 I do not currently belong to any research institution. May I apply for the Fellowship?
A1-5 Yes. For both the PD and DC fellowships, applicants are not required to be affiliated with an institution at the time of application. The only thing needed is to meet the eligibility requirements stipulated in the fellowship application guidelines on April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
The institution to which applicants apply varies by their current status:
Q1-6 I’ve been employed by a company since graduating from a master’s course and am not currently affiliated with any university. May I apply for a DC1 fellowship?
A1-6 Yes. Applicants are not required to be enrolled in a university at the time of application. The only thing needed is to meet the eligibility requirements stipulated in our application guidelines on April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
Your application should be submitted by the university from which you graduated.
When filling in your [current academic supervisor (現在の研究指導者)] in the application form, please follow the below instructions, which are based on your current status.
1) If you are currently working in a research-related job……
→Fill in the name of your workplace supervisor.
2) If you are NOT working in a research-related job……
→Fill in the name of your latest academic supervisor.
The evaluation statement for your DC application must be written by the above-named person.
You will need to resign your current job before your fellowship starts as JSPS Research Fellows are not allowed to hold other positions during their tenure. However, you do not need to resign you job at the time of application.
Q1-7 I did not enter the doctoral course in April (for example: entered in October). Can I apply for either the DC1 or DC2 fellowship? If I can, which category should I apply for?
A1-7 Yes, but only if you meet the DC eligibility requirements. Eligibility for both DC1 and DC2 is based on the aggregate period of your enrollment in the doctoral course on April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
Leave periods are not counted as enrollment in DC eligibility. As an exception, leaves of less than six months are counted.
●DC eligibility chart based on months of enrollment
A student who was admitted into a 3-year doctoral course in October of the previous year (with no leave) may apply for DC1, as his/her total enrollment period will be six months as of April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
As the treatment of students’ grade levels may differ by university, we adopt an aggregate enrollment period for DC eligibility, not based on the student’s grade level.
Please inquire at the academic affairs section of your university if you have questions about the period of your enrollment. The way of calculating periods of enrollment and/or leave may differ by university.
Q1-8 As of April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship, I will not have completed the required number of months of DC1 or DC2 enrollment stipulated in the Application Guidelines.
However, having passed the examination for the early completion program with my excellent academic record, I am expected to complete my doctoral course earlier than the standard enrollment period.
May I apply for DC1 or DC2 Fellowship?
A1-8 Please contact JSPS through your university or affiliated research institution.
Q1-9 I am neither a citizen nor permanent resident of Japan, can I apply for this fellowship?
A1-9 Yes, you can for a DC fellowship, but not for a PD and RPD fellowship. There is no nationality requirement for DC applicants. PD applicants must be either a citizen or permanent resident of Japan at the time of application. Non-Japanese PhD holders may apply for JSPS International Fellowships for Research in Japan. See the following URL for details.
Q1-10 Does JSPS introduce applicants to host institutions?
A1-10 We are sorry but JSPS is not in a position to introduce prospective host institutions to applicants. They must find their own host research institution and host researcher by themselves before applying. It is highly recommended to establish close contact with a prospective host researcher and institution in advance.
Q1-11 Are JSPS Research Fellows employed by JSPS and/or their host research institution?
A1-11 JSPS Research Fellows are not employed by JSPS. However, registered Institutions with Employment System (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/tourokukikan.html) under the Employment Support Program for Young Researchers to Improve the Research Environment (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/) launched in FY2023 can hire PD Fellows. Those newly awarded PD Fellowship for host research institutions that are Institutions with Employment System in FY2025 (excluding those who applied for DC Fellowship and later changed their fellowship category to PD Fellowship after obtaining a PhD) will be in principle employed by their host research institution. There are differences between PD Fellows who are hired by their host research institution and those who are not in terms of in how they are hosted and treated after being awarded fellowship.
Q1-12 May I apply for more than one fellowship category (PD, RPD, Overseas Research Fellowships) at the same time?
A1-12 Yes, however, you cannot be selected as a fellow in multiple fellowship categories. If you receive more than one preliminary selection notice, you will have to choose one of the fellowships and decline the others.
Q1-13 What kind of a document should I submit if the date of obtaining a doctoral degree from an overseas university is on and after April 2 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship?
A1-13 If you submit by the deadline a certificate (document) of a university that will grant you a doctoral degree, which states that the university has decided on and before April 1 of the first fiscal year of your fellowship to confer the degree on you, you will be allowed to postpone submission of a document to certify the date of PhD award until you receive it. Such document must include all the following items:
・Date of birth
・Field of PhD to be obtained
・Statement that the university has decided on the conferment of your doctoral degree
・Date of the decision of degree conferment (on and before April 1 of the first year of the fellowship)
・Expected date of degree conferment (date of conferment ceremony, etc.)
・Signature by the dean, etc. (the person who can take responsibility for degree conferment)
Statements that, for example, you have passed an oral examination with distinction, that the review of your dissertation has been completed, or that you have met all the requirements for obtaining a doctoral degree, are insufficient. Please contact JSPS in advance if you have any questions.
A1-1 The purpose of this fellowship program is to support young researchers at an initial stage of their careers. This program focuses on supporting young researchers just after they obtain their doctorates. Accordingly, we set a time limit on the eligible period after obtaining a PhD.
Q1-2 I was selected as a JSPS Research Fellow in the past. Can I apply for this fellowship again?
A1-2 It depends on the fellowship category that you will apply for. A former DC fellow can apply for a PD fellowship, but cannot apply for a DC fellowship again. In the same manner, a former PD fellow cannot apply for a PD fellowship again.
Q1-3 I was selected as a DC fellow after which my fellowship category changed from DC to PD as I have obtained a PhD. May I apply for a PD fellowship in this case?
A1-3 Yes, however, applicants need to meet both the nationality and selecting host institution’s requirements for the PD fellowship.
Q1-4 Upon earning my doctoral degree and changing my fellowship category from DC to PD, I changed my host research institution from the doctorate granting institution. Will I need to change my host research institution again to apply for PD Fellowship?
A1-4 You do not need to change your current host research institution again as you are selecting a research institution other than the doctorate granting institution as your host research institution after being awarded PD Fellowship. However, your academic advisor of record at your research institute during graduate studies cannot be your host researcher after you have been awarded PD Fellowship.
Q1-5 I do not currently belong to any research institution. May I apply for the Fellowship?
A1-5 Yes. For both the PD and DC fellowships, applicants are not required to be affiliated with an institution at the time of application. The only thing needed is to meet the eligibility requirements stipulated in the fellowship application guidelines on April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
The institution to which applicants apply varies by their current status:
- PD and DC2:
Host institution (the institution to which your prospective host researcher belongs)
- DC1:
- Master’s students in Japan
The university in which you are enrolled in at the time of application - Master’s graduates in Japan
The university from which you graduated - Master’s students/graduates of a university outside Japan
Host research institution (the university in which you will be enrolled)
Q1-6 I’ve been employed by a company since graduating from a master’s course and am not currently affiliated with any university. May I apply for a DC1 fellowship?
A1-6 Yes. Applicants are not required to be enrolled in a university at the time of application. The only thing needed is to meet the eligibility requirements stipulated in our application guidelines on April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
Your application should be submitted by the university from which you graduated.
When filling in your [current academic supervisor (現在の研究指導者)] in the application form, please follow the below instructions, which are based on your current status.
1) If you are currently working in a research-related job……
→Fill in the name of your workplace supervisor.
2) If you are NOT working in a research-related job……
→Fill in the name of your latest academic supervisor.
The evaluation statement for your DC application must be written by the above-named person.
You will need to resign your current job before your fellowship starts as JSPS Research Fellows are not allowed to hold other positions during their tenure. However, you do not need to resign you job at the time of application.
Q1-7 I did not enter the doctoral course in April (for example: entered in October). Can I apply for either the DC1 or DC2 fellowship? If I can, which category should I apply for?
A1-7 Yes, but only if you meet the DC eligibility requirements. Eligibility for both DC1 and DC2 is based on the aggregate period of your enrollment in the doctoral course on April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
Leave periods are not counted as enrollment in DC eligibility. As an exception, leaves of less than six months are counted.
●DC eligibility chart based on months of enrollment
- DC1:3-year doctoral course → Less than 12
4-year doctoral course → From 12 to less than 24
5-year doctoral course → From 24 to less than 36
- DC2:3-year doctoral course → From 12 to less than 36
4-year doctoral course → From 24 to less than 48
5-year doctoral course → From 36 to less than 60
A student who was admitted into a 3-year doctoral course in October of the previous year (with no leave) may apply for DC1, as his/her total enrollment period will be six months as of April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
As the treatment of students’ grade levels may differ by university, we adopt an aggregate enrollment period for DC eligibility, not based on the student’s grade level.
Please inquire at the academic affairs section of your university if you have questions about the period of your enrollment. The way of calculating periods of enrollment and/or leave may differ by university.
Q1-8 As of April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship, I will not have completed the required number of months of DC1 or DC2 enrollment stipulated in the Application Guidelines.
However, having passed the examination for the early completion program with my excellent academic record, I am expected to complete my doctoral course earlier than the standard enrollment period.
May I apply for DC1 or DC2 Fellowship?
A1-8 Please contact JSPS through your university or affiliated research institution.
Q1-9 I am neither a citizen nor permanent resident of Japan, can I apply for this fellowship?
A1-9 Yes, you can for a DC fellowship, but not for a PD and RPD fellowship. There is no nationality requirement for DC applicants. PD applicants must be either a citizen or permanent resident of Japan at the time of application. Non-Japanese PhD holders may apply for JSPS International Fellowships for Research in Japan. See the following URL for details.
Q1-10 Does JSPS introduce applicants to host institutions?
A1-10 We are sorry but JSPS is not in a position to introduce prospective host institutions to applicants. They must find their own host research institution and host researcher by themselves before applying. It is highly recommended to establish close contact with a prospective host researcher and institution in advance.
Q1-11 Are JSPS Research Fellows employed by JSPS and/or their host research institution?
A1-11 JSPS Research Fellows are not employed by JSPS. However, registered Institutions with Employment System (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/tourokukikan.html) under the Employment Support Program for Young Researchers to Improve the Research Environment (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/) launched in FY2023 can hire PD Fellows. Those newly awarded PD Fellowship for host research institutions that are Institutions with Employment System in FY2025 (excluding those who applied for DC Fellowship and later changed their fellowship category to PD Fellowship after obtaining a PhD) will be in principle employed by their host research institution. There are differences between PD Fellows who are hired by their host research institution and those who are not in terms of in how they are hosted and treated after being awarded fellowship.
Q1-12 May I apply for more than one fellowship category (PD, RPD, Overseas Research Fellowships) at the same time?
A1-12 Yes, however, you cannot be selected as a fellow in multiple fellowship categories. If you receive more than one preliminary selection notice, you will have to choose one of the fellowships and decline the others.
Q1-13 What kind of a document should I submit if the date of obtaining a doctoral degree from an overseas university is on and after April 2 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship?
A1-13 If you submit by the deadline a certificate (document) of a university that will grant you a doctoral degree, which states that the university has decided on and before April 1 of the first fiscal year of your fellowship to confer the degree on you, you will be allowed to postpone submission of a document to certify the date of PhD award until you receive it. Such document must include all the following items:
・Date of birth
・Field of PhD to be obtained
・Statement that the university has decided on the conferment of your doctoral degree
・Date of the decision of degree conferment (on and before April 1 of the first year of the fellowship)
・Expected date of degree conferment (date of conferment ceremony, etc.)
・Signature by the dean, etc. (the person who can take responsibility for degree conferment)
Statements that, for example, you have passed an oral examination with distinction, that the review of your dissertation has been completed, or that you have met all the requirements for obtaining a doctoral degree, are insufficient. Please contact JSPS in advance if you have any questions.
Q2-1 What was last year’s selection ratio?
A2-1 Please refer to the following URL.
A2-1 Please refer to the following URL.
Q3-1 If I am selected as a PD fellow while my DC fellowship tenure remains, will the remaining tenure be combined with my new PD fellowship tenure?
A3-1 No, it will not. You will have to cancel your DC fellowship before your PD fellowship starts. The total tenure of a PD fellowship is 3 years from April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
Q3-2 Can I start my fellowship from a date other than April 1?
A3-2 No. For PD, DC2 and DC1, you must start your fellowship from April 1. However, you may suspend your fellowship from the starting date but only if you meet the suspension requirements stipulated in the JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”).
・JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”) (遵守事項および諸手続の手引) [Japanese]
The contents of these Guidelines may be updated without advance notice. Be sure to check the latest version on the JSPS website.
We have put into effect a special measure to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, in which preliminarily selectees may delay their starting date in FY 2021, FY 2022 and FY 2023. Such special measure will not apply to FY2024 fellows.See “Special Measures on the Eligibility Criteria for JSPS Research Fellowship Categories DC, PD, and RPD Awarded in FY2024 in Response to Impacts of COVID-19 [Notice]” for details.
A3-1 No, it will not. You will have to cancel your DC fellowship before your PD fellowship starts. The total tenure of a PD fellowship is 3 years from April 1 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship.
Q3-2 Can I start my fellowship from a date other than April 1?
A3-2 No. For PD, DC2 and DC1, you must start your fellowship from April 1. However, you may suspend your fellowship from the starting date but only if you meet the suspension requirements stipulated in the JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”).
・JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”) (遵守事項および諸手続の手引) [Japanese]
The contents of these Guidelines may be updated without advance notice. Be sure to check the latest version on the JSPS website.
We have put into effect a special measure to cope with the coronavirus pandemic, in which preliminarily selectees may delay their starting date in FY 2021, FY 2022 and FY 2023. Such special measure will not apply to FY2024 fellows.See “Special Measures on the Eligibility Criteria for JSPS Research Fellowship Categories DC, PD, and RPD Awarded in FY2024 in Response to Impacts of COVID-19 [Notice]” for details.
Q4-1 How are Fellow’s Grants (Monthly Stipends) paid?
A4-1 Grants (Monthly Stipends) are deposited into each fellow’s registered bank account on the 20th of every month. When the 20th falls on a Japanese national holiday, bank holiday, or JSPS’s non-business day, your stipend will be deposited on the next business day.
Please note that your April and May stipends are deposited together in May every year.
The actual amount deposited in your bank account will differ from the amount stated in the application guidelines as income tax is withheld. Note that fellows need to pay their municipal taxes by themselves. See the following URL for details.
・JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”) (遵守事項および諸手続の手引) [Japanese]
The contents of these Guidelines may be updated without advance notice. Be sure to check the latest version on the JSPS website.
PD Fellows hired by their host research institution will receive salary from the institution. Therefore, no monthly stipend will be paid from JSPS.
*Please contact the host research institution as the employer for any questions regarding salary, etc. paid to PD Fellows hired by their host research institution
Q4-2 How should I apply for the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)?
A4-2 Starting from the call for proposals for FY2024, applications for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI) will be accepted at the same time as the applications for JSPS Research Fellowships. The Application Procedures for Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows can be found on the JSPS website along with the Application Guidelines for JSPS Research Fellowships. Follow your applying organization's instructions as we will notify it of the application procedure details.
Applications for the KAKENHI grant should be submitted through your applying organization. For DC1 fellowship, as the applying organization may differ from the research institution where you will be engaged in research as JSPS Research Fellow (host research institution ), apply for the KAKENHI grant thorough your applying organization.
Q4-3 How do I receive and use the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)?
A4-3 This KAKENHI grant is managed by the fellow’s host institution.
Therefore, it is transferred into host institution’s bank account, not paid directly to the fellow. Your host institution will instruct you on the procedures to follow after it receives your notice of provisional grant decision.
Please ask the section in charge of the KAKENHI program at your host institution if you are unsure how to use the grant. Also check the “Supplementary Conditions of KAKENHI” and your host institution’s accounting rules. Fellows are obliged to use the grant properly in accordance with these rules.
A4-1 Grants (Monthly Stipends) are deposited into each fellow’s registered bank account on the 20th of every month. When the 20th falls on a Japanese national holiday, bank holiday, or JSPS’s non-business day, your stipend will be deposited on the next business day.
Please note that your April and May stipends are deposited together in May every year.
The actual amount deposited in your bank account will differ from the amount stated in the application guidelines as income tax is withheld. Note that fellows need to pay their municipal taxes by themselves. See the following URL for details.
・JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”) (遵守事項および諸手続の手引) [Japanese]
The contents of these Guidelines may be updated without advance notice. Be sure to check the latest version on the JSPS website.
PD Fellows hired by their host research institution will receive salary from the institution. Therefore, no monthly stipend will be paid from JSPS.
*Please contact the host research institution as the employer for any questions regarding salary, etc. paid to PD Fellows hired by their host research institution
Q4-2 How should I apply for the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)?
A4-2 Starting from the call for proposals for FY2024, applications for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI) will be accepted at the same time as the applications for JSPS Research Fellowships. The Application Procedures for Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows can be found on the JSPS website along with the Application Guidelines for JSPS Research Fellowships. Follow your applying organization's instructions as we will notify it of the application procedure details.
Applications for the KAKENHI grant should be submitted through your applying organization. For DC1 fellowship, as the applying organization may differ from the research institution where you will be engaged in research as JSPS Research Fellow (host research institution ), apply for the KAKENHI grant thorough your applying organization.
Q4-3 How do I receive and use the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)?
A4-3 This KAKENHI grant is managed by the fellow’s host institution.
Therefore, it is transferred into host institution’s bank account, not paid directly to the fellow. Your host institution will instruct you on the procedures to follow after it receives your notice of provisional grant decision.
Please ask the section in charge of the KAKENHI program at your host institution if you are unsure how to use the grant. Also check the “Supplementary Conditions of KAKENHI” and your host institution’s accounting rules. Fellows are obliged to use the grant properly in accordance with these rules.
Q5-1 May I submit paper forms as my application document?
A5-1 No. Application forms must be submitted via JSPS’s Electronic Application System. You must first acquire an ID and password for the system from your applying organization.
Then, compile and submit all application documents, including the evaluation reports and envisaged budget for Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, using the application system.
Q5-2 Can I add extra pages to the application form if I cannot fit everything in it?
A5-2 No, it is not permitted to add pages or new sheets to the application form. Doing so will be regarded as the defect in your application and may disadvantage you in the screening process.
A5-1 No. Application forms must be submitted via JSPS’s Electronic Application System. You must first acquire an ID and password for the system from your applying organization.
Then, compile and submit all application documents, including the evaluation reports and envisaged budget for Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, using the application system.
Q5-2 Can I add extra pages to the application form if I cannot fit everything in it?
A5-2 No, it is not permitted to add pages or new sheets to the application form. Doing so will be regarded as the defect in your application and may disadvantage you in the screening process.
Q6-1 What is the “Screening set” used in document reviews?
A6-1 A “Screening set” is a unit used to group applicants in the document review process. In each Screening set, applicants in related fields are combined so as to conduct their reviews in an effective, comprehensive manner. Six examiners are assigned to each Screening set. They are carefully selected considering impartiality based on a balance between their areas of research expertise and affiliated institutions. Be sure to check the Review Section Table before preparing your application.
We review and modify Screening sets every year.
Q6-2 Where can I find the details regarding the selection schedule?
A6-2 Please visit the following URL for more details.
A6-1 A “Screening set” is a unit used to group applicants in the document review process. In each Screening set, applicants in related fields are combined so as to conduct their reviews in an effective, comprehensive manner. Six examiners are assigned to each Screening set. They are carefully selected considering impartiality based on a balance between their areas of research expertise and affiliated institutions. Be sure to check the Review Section Table before preparing your application.
We review and modify Screening sets every year.
Q6-2 Where can I find the details regarding the selection schedule?
A6-2 Please visit the following URL for more details.