Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


International Research Cooperation Division Ⅱ, International Program Department,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Kojimachi Business Center Building, 5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, JAPAN

JSPS International Joint Research Program
TEL +81-3-3263-1918/1724
FAX +81-3-3234-3700
MAIL bottom-up*jsps.go.jp
Note: Please replace*with @.

International Joint Research Program

ICC Program (NSF)

JSPS-NSF International Collaborations in Chemistry (ICC): Program Outline

Program Outline

JSPS and the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the US have agreed to carry out an international joint research program in the field of chemistry. Its aim is for Japanese and American research teams to break new ground and demonstrate a high level of synergy in chemical research. JSPS provides financial support to excellent Japanese scientists implementing such bilateral joint projects.

Eligibility of Japanese Applicants

Applicants must hold a full-time or equivalent position as a researcher at a university or research institute in Japan that is eligible to receive Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research -KAKENHI-. However, institutes that only have eligibility for JSPS’s international program are allowed to apply under this fiscal year’s application round.

Targeted Research Fields

  • Chemical Synthesis
  • Chemical Catalysis
  • Theory, Models and Computational Methods
  • Chemical Measurement and Imaging
  • Chemical Structure, Dynamics and Mechanisms
  • Macromolecular Supramolecular and Nanochemistry
  • Environmental Chemical Sciences
  • Chemistry of Life Processes

Project Period

3 years

Funding from JSPS to PIs on Japanese Side

Up to JPY 15,000,000 /year; Up to JPY 45,000,000 /3 years
*As for the conditions on NSF side, please refer to NSF's application guidelines:

For further details, Click here (NSF)

Number of Projects Slated to Start in FY2013

1-2 projects