Message from JSPS President

Founded in 1932 with an imperial endowment, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science is Japan’s sole independent research funding agency. It provides stable and steady support for the activities of researchers in every field.
JSPS is dedicated to the advancement of science across a wide and diverse spectrum of program initiatives. They include the funding of scientific research, promoting international scientific exchange, and reforming and internationalizing Japanese universities.
The world’s most leading scientific research is born from the free ideas and bold challenges of individual researchers. Unconstrained by conventional concepts, they resolutely challenge what’s thought impossible to achieve. Knowledge created through scientific research is the wellspring of innovation and the driver of future societal advances. This knowledge is a valuable cultural asset passed along across generations. It gives each generation new possibilities and challenges to address.
Such knowledge not only leads to greater societal progress but also gives rise to significant, unforeseen changes and challenges. In response, this necessitates advancing scientific research a pioneer on the frontiers of knowledge, encouraging wide-ranging international scientific collaborations, and fostering the talent researchers who can propel it on the global stage.
Moving forward, JSPS will continue relentlessly to improve our programs and reform our systems from the perspective of researchers. While working to effectively and efficiently implement our operations, we are cultivating an environment in which researchers can both freely and fully pursue their activities.
JSPS is striving to meet the expectations of the public, including, of course, researchers and young researchers who aspire to academic careers. In doing so, we will use the power of knowledge to make Japan’s contributions to the global community.
I wish to ask you for your greatly appreciated guidance, support and cooperation.
Thank you.
JSPS is dedicated to the advancement of science across a wide and diverse spectrum of program initiatives. They include the funding of scientific research, promoting international scientific exchange, and reforming and internationalizing Japanese universities.
The world’s most leading scientific research is born from the free ideas and bold challenges of individual researchers. Unconstrained by conventional concepts, they resolutely challenge what’s thought impossible to achieve. Knowledge created through scientific research is the wellspring of innovation and the driver of future societal advances. This knowledge is a valuable cultural asset passed along across generations. It gives each generation new possibilities and challenges to address.
Such knowledge not only leads to greater societal progress but also gives rise to significant, unforeseen changes and challenges. In response, this necessitates advancing scientific research a pioneer on the frontiers of knowledge, encouraging wide-ranging international scientific collaborations, and fostering the talent researchers who can propel it on the global stage.
Moving forward, JSPS will continue relentlessly to improve our programs and reform our systems from the perspective of researchers. While working to effectively and efficiently implement our operations, we are cultivating an environment in which researchers can both freely and fully pursue their activities.
JSPS is striving to meet the expectations of the public, including, of course, researchers and young researchers who aspire to academic careers. In doing so, we will use the power of knowledge to make Japan’s contributions to the global community.
I wish to ask you for your greatly appreciated guidance, support and cooperation.
Thank you.
October 2024
SUGINO Tsuyoshi
SUGINO Tsuyoshi