Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Q1. How do I get to JSPS?
A1. Visit JSPS's How To Find Us page.
Q2. What is the contact information for each of the research categories at KAKENHI?
A2. Visit JSPS's Inquiries about Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research page.
Q3. What is the contact information for Research Fellowship for Young Scientists ?
A3. If you are a postdoctoral researcher with Japanese nationality or permanent residence or if you are a PhD student, visit JSPS’s Research Fellowships for Young Scientists page. If you are a postdoctoral researcher without Japanese nationality or permanent residence, visit JSPS’s Postdoctral Fellowships for Research in Japan page.


Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 12:00 noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm JST
Excluding national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3), and the JSPS Foundation Day (September 21).

Support for Research Initiatives

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) Research Program Department Research Aid Planning Division jyoseika*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-0964
Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research Research Program Department University-Industry Cooperation and Research Program Division h-s*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1106/4645
Program for Constructing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences Research Program Department University-Industry Cooperation and Research Program Division di-hs*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1106/4645
Note: Please replace *with @.

Strengthening Linkage with Society

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
Science Dialogue International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division sdialogue*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1730
University-Industry Research Cooperation Societally Applied Scientific Linkage and Collaboration Research Program Department University-Industry Cooperation and Research Program Division sangaku*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1728
Note: Please replace *with @.

International Academic Collaborations

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
Bilateral Programs (Joint Research Projects/Seminars) International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division II kenkyouka13*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1755/2367/2362
Bilateral Programs (Researcher Exchange Program) International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division tokuteikoku*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-2368/2480
Japanese-German Graduate Externship International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division II externship*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1918/1724
International Joint Research Program International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division II bottom-up*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1918/1724
A3 Foresight Program International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I foresight*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1826
Core-to-Core Program (Advanced Research Networks) International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I core-to-core*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1814
Core-to-Core Program (Asia-Africa Science Platforms) International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I aaplatform*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1791
Global Research Council (GRC) International Program Department International Policy Planning Division horcs*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1938
Asian Heads of Research Councils (ASIAHORCs) International Program Department International Policy Planning Division asiahorcs*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1883
Alumni Associations International Program Department International Policy Planning Division alumni*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1872
HOPE Meetings International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I hope-meetings*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-2414
Nobel Prize Dialogue International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I nobelprizedialogue*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1844
Frontiers of Science (FoS) Symposium International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I fos*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1944
Young Researcher Support for Attending Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings International Program Department International Research Cooperation Division I lindau*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-986
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard) International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division postdoc-standard*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-3444
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term (PE)) International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division postdoc-short*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-3444
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term (PA)) International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division pa-short*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-3444
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Summer Program) International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division summer*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-4098
Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division invitation*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-2480
RONPAKU (Dissertation PhD) Program International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division ronpaku*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-2368
JSPS Fellows Plaza International Program Department Overseas Fellowship Division fellowsplaza*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-3444
Note: Please replace *with @.

Fostering Next Generation of Researchers

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
Research Fellowships for Young Scientists Human Resource Development Program Department Research Fellowship Division (Solicitation・Acceptance procedure)
(Solicitation・Acceptance procedure)
Overseas Research Fellowships Human Resource Development Program Department Human Resource Development Program Division kaitoku*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-925
Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers Human Resource Development Program Department Human Resource Development Program Division toku-haken*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1943
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) Human Resource Development Program Department Human Resource Development Program Division takuken*jsps.go.jp (application documents)
Note: Please replace *with @.

Enhancing the Education and Research Functions of Universities

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
Inter-University Exchange Project Human Resource Development Program Department University Cooperation Program Division tenkai-jsps*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1740
Top Global University Project Human Resource Development Program Department University Cooperation Program Division sgu-jsps*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-0994
Intercultural Collaborative Learning Project Human Resource Development Program Department University Cooperation Program Division social-i-jsps*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-0994
World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) Center for World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI Program Center) jspstoplevel*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-0967
Note: Please replace *with @.

Awards of Recognition

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
International Prize for Biology Secretariat of the International Prize for Biology ip-biology*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1872/1869
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Medical Research Selection Committee Secretariat nh-africa*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1872/1869
JSPS Prize Human Resource Development Program Department Human Resource Development Program Division jsps-prize*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-0912
JSPS Ikushi Prize Human Resource Development Program Department Human Resource Development Program Division ikushi-prize*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-0912
Note: Please replace *with @.

Research Integrity and Auditing

List of Programs Department Division E-mail TEL
Auditing Research Integrity and Auditing Office kansa*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-5104
Contact Point for Receiving Allegations Research Integrity and Auditing Office meyasubako*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1743
Research Integrity Research Integrity and Auditing Office fuseiboushi*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1743
Note: Please replace *with @.


List of Programs Department E-mail TEL
Administration Department Administration Division jspssomu*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1722 (Reception)
Administration Department Personnel Division jinji*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1808
Administration Department Budget and Accounting Division shukei*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-2083
Policy Planning Department Policy Planning and Public Relations Division (Policy Planning) hyouka*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-3461
Policy Planning Department Policy Planning and Public Relations Division (Public Relations) publicrelations*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1842
Policy Planning Department Management Support Division keieishien*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1076
Policy Planning Department University Support Division jsps-chukaku*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1877/1878
Research Center for Science Systems rcss*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1882
Center for Science Information Analysis csia*jsps.go.jp +81-3-3263-1076
Note: Please replace *with @.

General Contact for Inquiries

*Links to the forms on external websites

Window for Receiving Comments/Requests

*Links to the forms on external websites

Contact Point for Receiving Allegations

JSPS Overseas Offices

Note: Please replace *with @.
  • JSPS Washington Office
    2001 L Street N.W., Suite 1050,
    Washington, DC 20036, USA

    TEL: +1-202-659-8190
    FAX: +1-202-659-8199
    E-mail: was-info*overseas.jsps.go.jp
  • JSPS San Francisco Office
    1936 University Avenue,
    The PROMENADE Suite 250
    Berkeley, CA 94704, USA

    TEL: +1-510-665-1890
    FAX: +1-510-665-1891
    E-mail: sfo-info*overseas.jsps.go.jp
  • JSPS Bonn Office
    Ahrstr. 58, 53175
    Bonn, GERMANY

    FAX: +49-228-957777
    E-mail: bonn-
  • JSPS London Office
    14 Stephenson Way,
    London NW1 2HD, UK

    TEL: +44-20-7255-4660
    E-mail: lon-info*overseas.jsps.go.jp
  • JSPS Stockholm Office
    Retzius Vag 3, 171 65 Solna, SWEDEN

    TEL: +46-8-5248-4561
    E-mail: sto-info*overseas.jsps.go.jp
  • JSPS Strasbourg Office
    Maison Universitaire France-Japon
    42a, avenue de la Forêt-Noire,
    67000 Strasbourg, FRANCE

    TEL: +33-3-6885-2017
    FAX: +33-3-6885-2014
    E-mail: jsps*unistra.fr
  • JSPS Bangkok Office
    No. 1016/3, 10th Fl., Serm-mit Tower,
    159 Sukhumvit Soi 21, Bangkok 10110, THAILAND

    TEL: +66-2-661-6533
    FAX: +66-2-661-6535
    E-mail: bkk*overseas.jsps.go.jp
  • JSPS Beijing Office
    A404, China Foreign
    Language Mansion, No.89 Xisanhuan Beilu,
    Haidian District, Beijing 100089,
    P. R. CHINA
    TEL: +86-10-8882-4331
    FAX: +86-10-8882-4332
    E-mail: beijing*jsps.org.cn
  • JSPS Cairo Research Station
    9 Al-Kamel Muhammad Street,
    Flat No.4 Zamalek, Cairo, EGYPT

    TEL & FAX: +20-2-27363752
    E-mail: cairo1*overseas.jsps.go.jp
  • JSPS Nairobi Research Station
    Woodlands Estate House Number 4, Ngong Rd, Karen, Nairobi, KENYA

    TEL: +254-20-4348000
    E-mail: nbo-academia*overseas.jsps.go.jp