Contact Us
Q1. How do I get to JSPS?
A1. Visit JSPS's How To Find Us page.
A1. Visit JSPS's How To Find Us page.
Q2. What is the contact information for each of the research categories at KAKENHI?
A2. Visit JSPS's Inquiries about Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research page.
A2. Visit JSPS's Inquiries about Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research page.
Q3. What is the contact information for Research Fellowship for Young Scientists ?
A3. If you are a postdoctoral researcher with Japanese nationality or permanent residence or if you are a PhD student, visit JSPS’s Research Fellowships for Young Scientists page. If you are a postdoctoral researcher without Japanese nationality or permanent residence, visit JSPS’s Postdoctral Fellowships for Research in Japan page.
A3. If you are a postdoctoral researcher with Japanese nationality or permanent residence or if you are a PhD student, visit JSPS’s Research Fellowships for Young Scientists page. If you are a postdoctoral researcher without Japanese nationality or permanent residence, visit JSPS’s Postdoctral Fellowships for Research in Japan page.
Hours: Monday through Friday, 9:30am to 12:00 noon and 1:00pm to 5:00pm JST
Excluding national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3), and the JSPS Foundation Day (September 21).
Excluding national holidays, year-end and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3), and the JSPS Foundation Day (September 21).
List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) | Research Program Department | Research Aid Planning Division | jyoseika* | +81-3-3263-0964 |
Topic-Setting Program to Advance Cutting-Edge Humanities and Social Sciences Research | Research Program Department | University-Industry Cooperation and Research Program Division | h-s* | +81-3-3263-1106/4645 |
Program for Constructing Data Infrastructure for the Humanities and Social Sciences | Research Program Department | University-Industry Cooperation and Research Program Division | di-hs* | +81-3-3263-1106/4645 |
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List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
Science Dialogue | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | sdialogue* | +81-3-3263-1730 |
University-Industry Research Cooperation Societally Applied Scientific Linkage and Collaboration | Research Program Department | University-Industry Cooperation and Research Program Division | sangaku* | +81-3-3263-1728 |
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List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
Bilateral Programs (Joint Research Projects/Seminars) | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division II | kenkyouka13* | +81-3-3263-1755/2367/2362 |
Bilateral Programs (Researcher Exchange Program) | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | tokuteikoku* | +81-3-3263-2368/2480 |
Japanese-German Graduate Externship | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division II | externship* | +81-3-3263-1918/1724 |
International Joint Research Program | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division II | bottom-up* | +81-3-3263-1918/1724 |
A3 Foresight Program | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | foresight* | +81-3-3263-1826 |
Core-to-Core Program (Advanced Research Networks) | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | core-to-core* | +81-3-3263-1814 |
Core-to-Core Program (Asia-Africa Science Platforms) | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | aaplatform* | +81-3-3263-1791 |
Global Research Council (GRC) | International Program Department | International Policy Planning Division | horcs* | +81-3-3263-1938 |
Asian Heads of Research Councils (ASIAHORCs) | International Program Department | International Policy Planning Division | asiahorcs* | +81-3-3263-1883 |
Alumni Associations | International Program Department | International Policy Planning Division | alumni* | +81-3-3263-1872 |
HOPE Meetings | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | hope-meetings* | +81-3-3263-2414 |
Nobel Prize Dialogue | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | nobelprizedialogue* | +81-3-3263-1844 |
Frontiers of Science (FoS) Symposium | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | fos* | +81-3-3263-1944 |
Young Researcher Support for Attending Lindau Nobel Laureate Meetings | International Program Department | International Research Cooperation Division I | lindau* | +81-3-3263-986 |
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Standard) | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | postdoc-standard* | +81-3-3263-3444 |
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term (PE)) | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | postdoc-short* | +81-3-3263-3444 |
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Short-term (PA)) | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | pa-short* | +81-3-3263-3444 |
Postdoctoral Fellowships for Research in Japan (Summer Program) | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | summer* | +81-3-3263-4098 |
Invitational Fellowships for Research in Japan | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | invitation* | +81-3-3263-2480 |
RONPAKU (Dissertation PhD) Program | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | ronpaku* | +81-3-3263-2368 |
JSPS Fellows Plaza | International Program Department | Overseas Fellowship Division | fellowsplaza* | +81-3-3263-3444 |
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List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
Research Fellowships for Young Scientists | Human Resource Development Program Department | Research Fellowship Division | (Solicitation・Acceptance procedure) yousei2* |
(Solicitation・Acceptance procedure) +81-3-3263-5070 |
Overseas Research Fellowships | Human Resource Development Program Department | Human Resource Development Program Division | kaitoku* | +81-3-3263-925 |
Overseas Challenge Program for Young Researchers | Human Resource Development Program Department | Human Resource Development Program Division | toku-haken* | +81-3-3263-1943 |
Leading Initiative for Excellent Young Researchers (LEADER) | Human Resource Development Program Department | Human Resource Development Program Division | takuken* | (application documents) +81-3-3263-3769 (funds) +81-3-3263-0978 |
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List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
Inter-University Exchange Project | Human Resource Development Program Department | University Cooperation Program Division | tenkai-jsps* | +81-3-3263-1740 |
Top Global University Project | Human Resource Development Program Department | University Cooperation Program Division | sgu-jsps* | +81-3-3263-0994 |
Intercultural Collaborative Learning Project | Human Resource Development Program Department | University Cooperation Program Division | social-i-jsps* | +81-3-3263-0994 |
World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) | Center for World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI Program Center) | jspstoplevel* | +81-3-3263-0967 |
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List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
International Prize for Biology | Secretariat of the International Prize for Biology | ip-biology* | +81-3-3263-1872/1869 | |
Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize | Hideyo Noguchi Africa Prize Medical Research Selection Committee Secretariat | nh-africa* | +81-3-3263-1872/1869 | |
JSPS Prize | Human Resource Development Program Department | Human Resource Development Program Division | jsps-prize* | +81-3-3263-0912 |
JSPS Ikushi Prize | Human Resource Development Program Department | Human Resource Development Program Division | ikushi-prize* | +81-3-3263-0912 |
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List of Programs | Department | Division | TEL | |
Auditing | Research Integrity and Auditing Office | kansa* | +81-3-3263-5104 | |
Contact Point for Receiving Allegations | Research Integrity and Auditing Office | meyasubako* | +81-3-3263-1743 | |
Research Integrity | Research Integrity and Auditing Office | fuseiboushi* | +81-3-3263-1743 |
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List of Programs | Department | TEL | |
Administration Department | Administration Division | jspssomu* | +81-3-3263-1722 (Reception) |
Administration Department | Personnel Division | jinji* | +81-3-3263-1808 |
Administration Department | Budget and Accounting Division | shukei* | +81-3-3263-2083 |
Policy Planning Department | Policy Planning and Public Relations Division (Policy Planning) | hyouka* | +81-3-3263-3461 |
Policy Planning Department | Policy Planning and Public Relations Division (Public Relations) | publicrelations* | +81-3-3263-1842 |
Policy Planning Department | Management Support Division | keieishien* | +81-3-3263-1076 |
Policy Planning Department | University Support Division | jsps-chukaku* | +81-3-3263-1877/1878 |
Research Center for Science Systems | rcss* | +81-3-3263-1882 | |
Center for Science Information Analysis | csia* | +81-3-3263-1076 |
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General Contact for Inquiries
*Links to the forms on external websites
Window for Receiving Comments/Requests
*Links to the forms on external websites
Contact Point for Receiving Allegations
JSPS Overseas Offices
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