Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

How to apply

JRP-LEAD with UKRI Call for FY2024 is launched.
A joint application by both the Japanese and British PIs for this call must be submitted to the UKRI.
Please refer to the UKRI website for the details of UKRI side.

Application Procedure

Proposals must be jointly prepared by Japanese applicants and their counterparts.

JRP with NSFC (FY 2019) – Closed –

Japanese and Chinese applicants have to submit their proposals to JSPS and NSFC, respectively. Proposals submitted in only one country are not eligible. The contents of the research plan must be identical in both proposals. If the contents are found to differ, screening or selection of the project may be cancelled.

JRP with UKRI (FY 2024) – Opens –

For this call, a joint application by both the Japanese and British PIs must be submitted to the UKRI. Japanese researchers need to submit the basic information to JSPS via JSPS Online Application System. Applications will not be accepted unless both Japanese and British PIs have completed the required procedures and submitted the prescribed documents.

JRP-LEAD with DFG (FY 2022) – Closed –

For this program, the Lead Agency process is utilized for the proposal screening (screening and selection of proposals for the international joint research projects is carried out by one of the science-promotion agencies. Both agencies supports the selected projects). For the call in FY 2022, The Japanese and German researchers are to cooperate in preparing the research plan. And Japanese PIs are to submit their application to JSPS, using the JSPS Online Application System. Applicants from Germany are to submit their proposals (including scientific CVs of all applicants in Japan and Germany) through DFG’s electronic proposal processing system. It is not allowed to make application just to one of the agencies. As the application guidelines and forms have been changed, applicants have to check the current guidelines of their agencies when applying for the programs.

JRPs (FY 2022) – Closed –

The PIs on both the Japanese and Swiss sides must submit a single joint application to SNSF (please see SNSF’s call for proposals for details). Applications will not be accepted unless both Japanese and Swiss PIs have completed the required procedures and submitted the prescribed documents. Japanese researchers only need to submit the basic information to JSPS via JSPS Online Application System. Applications to SNSF must be in English and will be shared with JSPS. All Swiss applicants should check their eligibility before applying. Potential Swiss applicants are invited to contact SNSF to clarify their eligibility.

Schedule・Selection Procedure

  UKRI (FY 2024) DFG (FY 2022) Closed SNSF (FY 2022) Closed UKRI (FY 2021) Closed NSFC (FY 2019) Closed
Opening Date of Call for Proposals 30 May 2024 7 March 2022 1 April 2022 1 April 2021 1 April 2019
Closing Date of Call for Proposals 5 p.m. 8 June 2022 (JST) 5 p.m. 30 June 2022 (JST) 5 p.m. 14 July 2021 (JST) 28 June 2019
Selection Procedure Selection of projects is made via document reviews by reviewers by invited UKRI and joint panel reviews carried out between UKRI and JSPS. Selection of projects is made via a document review conducted by JSPS International Program Committee and a joint panel review carried out between JSPS and DGF Selection of projects is made via document and panel reviews conducted by SNSF. Selection of projects is made via document reviews conducted by JSPS International Program Committee and joint panel reviews carried out between JSPS and UKRI Selection of projects is made via document and panel reviews carried out by JSPS International Program Committee and joint evaluation between JSPS and NSFC
Notify Review Results Around December 2024 Around November 2022 Around December 2022 Around October 2021 Around December 2019
Start Project on 1 January 2025 on 1 December 2022 on 1 January 2023 on 1 December 2021 From January to March 2020
*JSPS receives applications via its on-line application system. For details, please refer to the following webpage:
(only in Japanese)

Application Guidelines/Forms


  UKRI(FY 2024) DFG (FY 2022) Closed SNSF (FY 2022) Closed UKRI (FY 2021) Closed NSFC (FY 2019) Closed
Call for Proposals
Application Form
Others ※ Japanese PI
must prepare their proposals in English. Japanese PI must submit a single joint application to JSPS on behalf of the combined Japanese and German research team, using the application form. German PI must submit the same application document to DFG for an eligibility check, and supplementary documents also.
※Please select Document review section from the research field of Humanities or Social sciences (Panel Review Section must be Humanities or Social sciences).
Japanese PI must prepare their proposals in English.
The Japanese and UK researchers are to cooperate in preparing their proposals.
UK PI are to prepare “Justification of Resources for UK Costs” form which is the makeup of the UK PIs’ funding, and submit it via Japanese PI to JSPS
*For details about the "Review Section Table," please refer to this page.