Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


BRIDGE Fellow Eligibility

To be eligible, a researcher must meet the following requirements.                        
  1. Be a researcher who has experienced research in Japan under a JSPS program and who is currently a regular member of  one of the officially recognized 20 JSPS alumni associations.
  2. Be a researcher who is employed as an active researcher working at a university or a research institute. 
  3. Agreement by host researcher to all seven items of support stipulated in Form B (Agreement by Host  Researcher).
* Upon receiving a recommendation from an alumni association/JSPS office, JSPS contacts the proposed host researcher in Japan. If a proposed host says that he/she cannot provide the support stipulated in Form B or cannot host the fellow, JSPS will not be able to accept the recommendation. Therefore, candidates should communicate fully with their proposed hosts before applying.
* Researchers who have already been supported under the BRIDGE Fellowship Program within the last 5 years (FY2020-FY2024) are ineligible for this award.
* Each alumni association/JSPS office has its own screening criteria as provided in “Provision b)",  Screening Criteria. Applicants should check it before applying.

Host Researcher Eligibility

In principle, researchers who are employed full time or classified as such at one of the Japanese research institutions listed below are eligible to host a BRIDGE Fellow.
  1. Universities and interuniversity research institutes
  2. MEXT-affiliated institutions engaged in research
  3. Colleges of technology
  4. Institutions designated by the Minister of MEXT
* Eligible institutions under (1)-(4) are listed at:                        
https://www-kokusai.jsps.go.jp/jsps1/kikanList.do (Posted only in Japanese)
* Definition of “full-time employment” is according to the regulations of the host institution.
* There are cases when researchers not employed in a full-time position may be eligible. Such persons must be eligible to apply for Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) and their affiliated institution must judge them able to implement the project and must provide an appropriate research environment (e.g., laboratory, equipment, personnel) for it.