Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Research Cooperation Division I,
International Program Department,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
5-3-1 Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083, JAPAN
TEL +81-3-3263-1944 TEL

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UK-Japan FoS Top Page


2019 2016 2008
JUKFoS2008 japanese  


October 4- 6, 2008



Shonan Village Center (Kanagawa, Japan)


Number of participants

About 70 (35 from each side)

Each session will be attended by two OCM*s (one from each side), a chair, two speakers (one from each side) and the general participants.

*Organizing Committee Members


Session Topics:


Olfaction and Pheromonal Communication in Vertebrates

Self-assembling Materials

Frontiers in the Plankton: Jellyfish Ecology

Bio-inspired Approaches to Advanced Materials

Transport Networks

Genetic Basis of Cognition

Gamma-ray Bursts


Participants List:

  OCM : Organizing Committee Member
Olfaction and Pheromonal Communication in Vertebrates (Biology/Life Science) Glossary
OCM  Toshifumi INADA Nagoya University
OCM [co-chair] Kathryn ARNOLD University of Glasgow
Chair Jane HURST University of Liverpool
Speaker Kazushige TOUHARA The University of Tokyo
Speaker Peter BRENNAN University of Bristol
Self-assembling Materials (Chemistry/Biochemistry) Glossary
OCM Itaru HAMACHI Kyoto University
OCM Martin BATES University of York
Chair Kazushi KINBARA Tohoku University
Speaker Izumi ICHINOSE National Institute for Materials Science
Speaker David SMITH University of York
Frontiers in the Plankton: Jellyfish Ecology (Earth Science/Environment) Glossary
OCM Masao NAKATANI The University of Tokyo
OCM Richard KIRBY University of Plymouth
Chair Hiroshi MIYAKE Kitasato University
Speaker Dhugal LINDSAY Japan Marine Science & Technology Center
Speaker Priscilla LICANDRO Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science
Bio-Inspired Approaches to Advanced Materials (Material/Biomaterial Science) Glossary
OCM Toshiya OKAZAKI National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
OCM Fiona MELDRUM University of Bristol
Chair Richard BONSER University of Reading
Speaker Jian Ping GONG Hokkaido University
Speaker Pete VUKUSIC University of Exeter
Transport Networks (Math/Applied Math/Informatics) Glossary
OCM Hiroki ARIMURA Hokkaido University
OCM Damon WISCHIK University College London
Chair Richard CONNORS University of Leeds
Speaker Takamasa IRYO Kobe University
Speaker Kathryn STEWART Napier University
Genetic Basis of Cognition  (Medical/Neuroscience) Glossary
OCM [co-chair] Katsuyuki SAKAI The University of Tokyo
OCM  Kate LEWIS University of Cambridge
Chair Tadafumi KATO RIKEN
Speaker Naoki MATSUO Fujita Health University
Speaker Yulia KOVAS Goldsmiths University
Gamma-ray Bursts (Physics/Astrophysics) Glossary
OCM  Mio MURAO The University of Tokyo
OCM  Shiho KOBAYASHI Liverpool John Moores University
Chair Tomonori TOTANI Kyoto University
Speaker Kunihito IOKA High Energy Accelerator Research Organization
Speaker Stéphanie COURTY University of Central Lancashire
General Participants(Japan)
Kazuo EMOTO National Institute of Genetics
Tomoteru FUKUMURA Tohoku University
Hisashi HAYASHI Japan Women’s University
Shunsuke KAMIJO The University of Tokyo
Yuki KAWAGUCHI The University of Tokyo
Takefumi KIKUSUI Azabu University
Hidehito KUROYANAGI Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Yutaka MAJIMA Tokyo Institute of Technology
Kazunori MATSUURA Kyushu University
Takeyoshi NAGAI Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology
Kae NAKAMURA Kansai Medical University
Yoshio OKAMOTO Tokyo Institute of Technology
Naoko TOKUCHI Kyoto University
Kazuhito TSUKAGOSHI National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology
Ryuhei UEHARA Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
Tomonari WAKABAYASHI Kinki University
General Participants(UK)
Martin ATTFIELD University of Manchester
Georgi DASKALOV Cefas Lowestoft Laboratory
Moez DRAIEF Imperial College London
Sophie DUPORT Royal Hospital for Neurodisability
Steve EICHHORN University of Manchester
John ELDRIDGE University of Cambridge
Alexis GALLAGHER University of Oxford
Saif HAQUE Imperial College London
Ian JONES University of Southampton
Mika KOHONEN University of Hull
Cathy LUCAS University of Southampton
Simone MEDDLE University of Edinburgh
Thanh NGUYEN University of Liverpool
David RIPPIN University of Hull
Patricia SCHADY University College London
Natasha SIGALA University of Oxford
Andrew WILLS University College London
    Questionnaire Results(PDF)