Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Date: Thursday, October 24 - Sunday, October 27, 2024
Venue: Kyoto, Japan
Co-organizers: U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS)Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation (AvH)

Session Topics

List of Participants

PGM: Planning Group Member

Evolution of Life on Earth – Where do we come from? (Biology / Life Sciences)

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PGM INOUE Asuka Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto University
PGM (Co-chair) Monica Munoz-Torres University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
PGM Falk Butter Friedrich Loeffler Institute
Introductory Speaker FUJISHIMA Kosuke Earth-Life Science Institute, Institute of Science Tokyo
Speaker Katrina Twing Weber State University
Speaker Hannes Mutschler TU Dortmund University

Artificial Photosynthesis – Solar Energy Conversion into Chemicals – (Chemistry / Materials Science)

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PGM NAKADA Akinobu Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University
PGM Sarah King University of Chicago
PGM Anna Schenk University of Bayreuth
Introductory Speaker Gabriela Schlau-Cohen Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Speaker HISATOMI Takashi Research Initiative for Supra-Materials, Shinshu University
Speaker Johanna Eichhorn Technical University of Munich

Points of no return? Ice-Ocean-Land interactions in the past and future Earth system (Earth Science / Geosciences / Environmental Sciences)

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PGM NAKAYAMA Yoshihiro The institute of Low Temperature Science, Hokkaido University
PGM Falko Judt NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
PGM Kira Rehfeld University of Tuebingen
Introductory Speaker Marie-Luise Kapsch Max Planck Institute for Meteorology
Speaker TAKAGI Haruka Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo
Speaker Pedro DiNezio University of Colorado, Boulder

Foundation Models ((Applied) Mathematics / Computer Science / Engineering)

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PGM (Co-chair) SUZUKI Taiji Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo
PGM Simina Brânzei (Absent) Purdue University
PGM Sebastian Fudickar University of Lüebeck
Introductory Speaker Zhiting Hu University of California, San Diego
Speaker ISOGAWA Mariko Faculty of Science and Technology, Keio University
Speaker Oliver Eberle TU Berlin

Nuclear fusion – The future of clean energy? (Physics / Astrophysics)

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PGM SEKIGUCHI Yuichiro Faculty of Science, Toho University
PGM Matthew Comstock Michigan State University
PGM Benedikt Friess Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research
Introductory Speaker Athina Kappatou Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics
Speaker MOTOJIMA Gen Department of Research, The National Institute for Fusion Science (NIFS)
Speaker Daniel Casey Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL)

Conceptions of Place and Space: The Politics and Social Dynamics of Contemporary Place-making and Spatial Negotiation (Social Sciences)

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PGM SHO Kojiro School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
PGM Nicholas Laluk University of California, Berkeley
PGM (Co-chair) Sandra Kurfürst University of Cologne
Introductory Speaker SHIMPO Naomi Graduate School of Landscape Design and Management, University of Hyogo
Speaker Vanessa Watts McMaster University
Speaker Noa K. Ha German Centre for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM)

General Participants (Japan)

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General Participant SUGIURA Yuki Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University
General Participant INAGAKI Emi School of Medicine, Keio University
General Participant YANAI Nobuhiro Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo
General Participant KAZUMA Emiko School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
General Participant OYABU Ikumi Division for Collaborative Research Promotion, National Institute of Polar Resserach
General Participant HAYAKAWA Yuichi Faculty of Environmental Earth Science, Hokkaido University
General Participant AKAMA Reina Center for Language AI Research, Tohoku University
General Participant MIYATA Sumiko School of Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo
General Participant HOTTA Hideyuki Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research, Nagoya University
General Participant TAKEMORI Nayuta Graduate School of Science, Osaka University
General Participant SOCOL DE LA OSA David Uriel Hitotsubashi Institute for Advanced Study, Hitotsubashi University
General Participant SHIBUYA Yuya Interfaculty Initiative in Information Studies, The University of Tokyo

General Participants (United States)

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General Participant Zachary Calamari Baruch College, City University of New York
General Participant Nikolaos Papastavrou Salk Institute for Biological Studies
General Participant Daniel Kwabena Bediako University of California, Berkeley
General Participant William Terrano Arizona State University
General Participant Kandaga Pujiana NOAA, Cooperative Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Studies
General Participant Hannah Zanowski University of Wisconsin-Madison
General Participant Will Perkins (Absent) Georgia Tech
General Participant Archana Raja Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
General Participant Carlton Gover The University of Kansas
General Participant Emily Van Alst Washington State University

General Participants (Germany)

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General Participant Gisela H. Kopp University of Konstanz
General Participant Maria Moiron Bielefeld University
General Participant Andrea Pannwitz Friedrich Schiller University Jena
General Participant Bizan N. Balzer University of Freiburg
General Participant Claudia Wekerle Alfred Wegener Institute
General Participant Marlene Klockmann University of Hamburg
General Participant Yunpu Ma Ludwig Maximilians University Munich
General Participant Mariya Toneva Max Planck Institute for Software Systems
General Participant Helmut Schultheiss Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf e. V.
General Participant Uri Vool Max Planck Institute for Chemical Physics of Solids
General Participant Johanna Hoerning TU Berlin
General Participant Jessica Ordemann German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (DZHW)