

Q1-1 「小学生以下の子」の定義は何か。

Q1-2 採用中断期間はどのように算出されるのか。

Q1-3 2024年4月1日出産予定であるが、申請できるか。

Q1-4 「疾病や障がいのある子を養育したため」とあるが、当該の子の年齢に制限はあるか。

Q1-5 「子」の定義は何か。

Q1-6 申請段階においては、2024年4月2日から5月13日の間に出産予定であったが、実際には5月13日より後に出産となった。この場合、採用されないのか。

Q1-7 「研究活動を中断した」とは、中断前に研究職に就いていて、その職を辞めた場合のみが該当するのか。また、そのことを証明する書類(退職証明等)が必要か。

Q1-8 研究中断後、現在は非常勤研究員(非常勤講師)として研究を行っているが申請できるか。

Q1-9 RPDの採用時に受入研究機関を大学院在学当時の所属研究機関以外の研究機関としなくてよいのか。(特別研究員-PDの場合は要件となっているが。)

Q1-10 特別研究員日本学術振興会および受入研究機関と雇用関係があるのか。

Q1-11 特別研究員若しくは海外特別研究員との併願は可能か。

Q1-12 特別研究員採用経験者若しくは海外特別研究員採用経験者は申請することができるか。

Q1-13 特別研究員-RPDに採用された者が、再度特別研究員-RPDに申請することはできるか。

Q1-14 海外の大学からの学位の取得日が採用年度4月2日以降になるケースでは、どのような書類を提出すればよいか。
Q2-1 昨年の採用率はどれくらいか。
A2-1 本会特別研究員ホームページ「採用状況」(https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd_saiyo.html)を確認してください。
Q3-1 申請後に採用開始日を変更することは可能か。
Q4-1 研究奨励金はどのように支払われるのか。

Q4-2 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)はどのように応募するのか。

Q4-3 科学研究費助成事業(特別研究員奨励費)はどのように支払われるのか、また、どのように使用するのか。
Q5-1 申請書を紙媒体で提出してもよいのか。

Q5-2 申請書の所定の様式内では記入しきれない場合、ページの追加等は可能か。
Q6-1 選考の日程を知りたい。

Q&A for application for FY2025 JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists (RPD)

Q1-1 What is the definition of “children of elementary school age or younger”? 
In accordance with the provisions of the School Education Act, children are regarded as those of elementary school age from the start of the first fiscal year that comes on and after the day following the day on which they reach their 6th birthday to the end of the fiscal year when they reach their 12th birthday. Those aged 12 or older are not included, even if they did not graduate from elementary school in the fiscal year when they reached their 12th birthday and are elementary school pupils until they reach 15th birthday.

Q1-2 How is the period of fellowship suspension calculated?
It is calculated by dividing the number of days of fellowship suspension by seven and rounded down, with seven days constituting one week. You cannot apply if the period is six weeks or shorter.

Q1-3 I am due to give birth on April 1, 2024. Can I apply for a RPD Fellowship?
Yes. Please select (1) for the reason for application. In the case that your actual date of delivery is not April 1, you are eligible if you submit a document that certifies your due date, such as your maternal and child health handbook, in the selection process.

Q1-4 Is there an age limit for a child in the case that I need to suspend my research to care for a child with an illness or handicap?

・RPD eligibility requirement (2)
Those who suspended their research activities for six weeks or longer during the period from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2024 for childbirth or nursing child(ren) with illnesses or disabilities. 

・RPD application guidelines (募集要項) [Japanese]

A1-4 No. There is no age limit for such a child. In this case, the applicant would fulfill the RPD eligibility requirements if s/he suspended his/her research for more than six weeks during the period from April 1, 2013 to March 31, 2024. 

Q1-5 What is the definition of “child”?
The definition of “child” is an applicant’s own child (biological, illegitimate, or adopted) in accordance with the Japan’s Civil Code.

Q1-6 I was due to give birth between April 2 and May 13, 2024 at the time of application, but my delivery came after May 13. In this case, will I not be selected? 
It does not affect selection. You are eligible if you establish that your due date was within the above period with your maternal and child health handbook, etc., in the selection process.

Q1-7 Is resigning a research-related job the only case regarded as a suspension of research? Also, does a certificate need to be submitted that verifies, for example, that I have resigned my research job?
No. We assume that situations surrounding child-bearing and child-nursing vary by person, so we don’t limit the eligibility to specific cases. Accordingly, we don’t require applicants to submit certificates.

Q1-8 After suspending my research, I have been engaging in research as a part-time researcher. May I apply for a RPD fellowship in this case?
Yes. We don’t stipulate applicants’ employment status in our eligibility requirements. However, please be aware that you may not hold another position during your fellowship tenure, with a few exceptions. Please refer to the Guidelines for details.

・JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (遵守事項および諸手続の手引) (“Guidelines”) [Japanese]

The contents of these Guidelines may be updated without advance notice. Be sure to check the latest version on the JSPS website.

Q1-9 Will I have to choose my host institution from among research institutions other than the one where I obtained my PhD?  I’m aware of this being an eligibility requirement for the PD fellowship.
No. It is not a requirement for RPD fellows. We assume that it would be difficult for RPD applicants to do this due to child-raising matters. However, JSPS considers changing host institutions to be important because it gives young researchers an opportunity to enhance their research capacity by experiencing diverse environments. Accordingly, as stated in the application guidelines, it is recommended that you change your host institution.

Q1-10 Are JSPS Research Fellows employed by JSPS and/or their host research institution? 
A1-10 JSPS Research Fellows are not employed by JSPS. However, registered Institutions with Employment System (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/tourokukikan.html) under the Employment Support Program for Young Researchers to Improve the Research Environment (https://www.jsps.go.jp/j-pd/pd-koyou/) launched in FY2023 can hire PD Fellows. Those newly awarded RPD Fellowship for host research institutions that are Institutions with Employment System in FY2025  will be in principle employed by their host research institution. There are differences between RPD Fellows who are hired by their host research institution and those who are not in terms of in how they are hosted and treated after being awarded fellowship.

Q1-11 May I apply for more than one fellowship category (RPD, RPD, Overseas Research Fellowship) at the same time?
Yes, you may submit dual applications. If you receive preliminary notices of both fellowship appointments, you would be required to choose either one, or resign the other.

Q1-12 I was selected in the past for a JSPS Research Fellowship for Young Scientists and a JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship. May I apply for the RPD fellowship?
A1-12 Yes. Persons who have been selected for a PD, DC2, DC1, and/or JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship may apply for the RPD fellowship. See Q1-11 if you are a former RPD fellow. Also, you may apply for the RPD fellowship if you are currently a JSPS Research Fellow in one of these categories and still have tenure left in your fellowship. However, you must cancel your current fellowship before your RPD fellowship starts.

Q1-13 I was selected as a RPD Fellow in the past. May I apply again?
A1-13 Yes, but only if you or your spouse gave birth to another child after the starting date of your last RPD fellowship.

Q1-14     What kind of a document should I submit if the date of obtaining a doctoral degree from an overseas university is on and after April 2 of the first fiscal year of the fellowship? 
A1-14    If you submit by the deadline a certificate (document) of a university that will grant you a doctoral degree, which states that the university has decided on and before April 1 of the first fiscal year of your fellowship to confer the degree on you, you will be allowed to postpone submission of a document to certify the date of PhD award until you receive it. Such document must include all the following items:
・Date of birth
・Field of PhD to be obtained
・Statement that the university has decided on the conferment of your doctoral degree
・Date of the decision of degree conferment (on and before April 1 of the first year of the fellowship)
・Expected date of degree conferment (date of conferment ceremony, etc.)
・Signature by the dean, etc. (the person who can take responsibility for degree conferment)
Statements that, for example, you have passed an oral examination with distinction, that the review of your dissertation has been completed, or that you have met all the requirements for obtaining a doctoral degree, are insufficient. Please contact JSPS in advance if you have any questions.
2.Screening Prospects
Q2-1 What was last year’s selection ratio?
Please refer to the following URL.
3.Fellowship Tenure
Q3-1 Is it possible to change the starting date of my fellowship after applying?
Yes, but only once and only if the need for the change is caused by matters related to childbearing or child-nursing (e.g., difficultly in entering your child in a nursery school). Please ask JSPS about the procedural details after you receive your notice of provisional selection.
Other reasons for changing the date are not accepted.
4.Financial Support
Q4-1 How are Fellows’ Grants (Monthly Stipends) paid?
Grants (Monthly Stipends) are deposited into each fellow’s registered bank account on the 20th of every month. When the 20th falls on a Japanese national holiday, bank holiday or JSPS’s non-business day, your stipend will be deposited on the next business day.
Please note that your April and May stipends are deposited together in May every year.
The actual amount paid in your bank account will differ from the amount stated in the application guidelines as income tax is withheld. Note that fellows need to pay their municipal taxes by themselves. See the following URL for details.

・JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientist’s compliance rules and procedural guidelines (“Guidelines”) (遵守事項および諸手続の手引) [Japanese]

The contents of these Guidelines may be updated without advance notice. Be sure to check the latest version on the JSPS website.

RPD Fellows hired by their host research institution will receive salary from the institution. Therefore, no monthly stipend will be paid from JSPS. 
*Please contact the host research institution as the employer for any questions regarding salary, etc. paid to RPD Fellows hired by their host research institution.

Q4-2 How should I apply for the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)?
Starting from the call for proposals for FY2024, applications for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI) will be accepted at the same time as the applications for JSPS Research Fellowships. Prepare your research proposal document for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research for JSPS Research Fellows at the same time you prepare your application documents for JSPS Research Fellowship. The Application Procedures for Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows can be found on the JSPS website along with the Application Guidelines for JSPS Research Fellowships.

Follow your host institution’s instructions as we will notify it of the application procedure details. Application for the KAKENHI grant is submitted through your applying organization.

Q4-3 How do I receive and use the Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Research Fellows (KAKENHI)?
This KAKENHI grant is managed by the fellow’s host institution. Therefore, it is transferred into host institution’s bank account, not paid directly to the fellow. Your host institution will instruct you on the procedures to follow after it receives your notice of provisional grant decision.

Please ask the section in charge of the KAKENHI program at your host institution if you are unsure how to use the grant. Also check the “Supplementary Conditions of KAKENHI” and your host institution’s accounting rules. Fellows are obliged to use the grant properly in accordance with these rules.
5.Application Forms
Q5-1 May I submit paper forms as my application documents?
No. Application forms must be submitted via JSPS’s Electronic Application System. You must first acquire an ID and password for the system from your applying organization. Then, compile and submit all application documents, including the evaluation reports and envisaged budget for Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows, using the application system.

Q5-2 Can I add extra pages to the application form if I cannot fit everything in it?
No, it is not permitted to add pages or new sheets to the application form. Doing so will be regarded as the defect in your application and may disadvantage you in the screening process.
6.Screening Process
Q6-1 Where can I find the details of the selections schedule?
Please see the following link on our website.