Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

Since FY 2012, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) has implemented Core-to-Core Program, comprising two components: (1) Advanced Research Networks and (2) Asia-Africa Science Platforms. This program is designed to create top world-class research centers that partner over the long term with other core research institutions around the world in advancing research in leading-edge fields, on issues of high international priority, and in areas that contribute to the solution of prevailing problems in the Asia-African regions. While advancing research in these fields and building core research and education hubs in the Asia and Africa, the Core-to-Core Program also concentrates on fostering the next generations of trailblazing young researchers.
For more information, view Outline of JSPS Core-to-Core Program, FY2025 (PDF 1,779 KB).

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