Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


by Clarivate  Summary of 2022.3.11 version  (2.26MB)
Analysis of International Mobility of Talented Researchers Affiliated with World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI) Based on Research Achievements Summary
世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラムのインパクトと影響 グローバルレピュテーション調査報告書
by Research Consulting  2021.5  (1.3MB)
The impact and reach of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative: Results from a global reputation survey
by Digital Science  2021.5  (1.36MB)
The scientific and societal impact of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative
Springer Nature  2022.3  (5.94MB)
Supporting excellence in Science An evaluation of the World Premier International Research Center Initiative From 2007 to 2021