Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

The List of Selected Projects (Overview of the initiative, Links)

FY2020 Support for the Formation of Collaborative Programs with African Universities

Support period : FY2020-2024

Type A:Exchange Promotion Program

【TypeA①: Start-up Type】

  University Type Project Title Overview of the initiative
1 Utsunomiya University National
2 Yamaguchi University National

【TypeA②:Acceleration/Progress Type】

  University Type Project Title Overview of the initiative
1 Hokkaido University National
2 ○Akita University,Kyushu University National
3 Hiroshima University National
4 Nagasaki University National
5 Tokyo University of Agriculture Private

Type B: Exchange Promotion – Platform Building Program

  University Type Project Title Overview of the initiative
1 ○Kyoto University and Tokyo University of Foreign Studies National
The universities marked ○ in front of their names indicate a representative applicant.