Bilateral Programs
JSPS promotes international scientific exchanges between Japan and counterpart countries in accordance with agreements or memoranda of understanding concluded with academies, research councils and other science-promotion organizations in those countries. Programs with such counterpart agencies mainly take the form of joint research projects, joint seminars and researcher exchanges.
Proposals for bilateral programs are openly recruited; and, per agreement with the counterpart agency, are jointly selected and supported.
In addition to joint research projects/seminars with counterpart agencies, JSPS has another scheme for joint research projects/seminars named “Open Partnership Joint Research Projects/Seminars” from FY2013 that provides Japanese researchers an opportunity to do a joint research project or a seminar with researchers around the world who reside in a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan, plus Taiwan and Palestine.
Proposals for bilateral programs are openly recruited; and, per agreement with the counterpart agency, are jointly selected and supported.
In addition to joint research projects/seminars with counterpart agencies, JSPS has another scheme for joint research projects/seminars named “Open Partnership Joint Research Projects/Seminars” from FY2013 that provides Japanese researchers an opportunity to do a joint research project or a seminar with researchers around the world who reside in a country that has diplomatic relations with Japan, plus Taiwan and Palestine.