Japan Society for the Promotion of Science

R026 Committee on Future Design Committee of Advanced Measurement and Analysis

Aims and Goals

The latest scientific research comes from original measurement techniques and instruments, and the analytical technologies are the basement of all industrial activities. With the rapid progress of data science and AI technology, we will discuss the change of elemental technologies and ideal fusion of each technology that will lead to make clear the solution for the social analytical needs in near future.

Research Themes

Research meetings have been established four times a year, and there is the action of planning of working groups such as the target strategy for future solutions and the application of data science and AI activities.

1) Historical review of fundamental measurement techniques, and discussion on future subjects of technological development
2) Research discussion for current topics
3) Development of original instrumentation and analytical technologies
4) Medium and long term industrial analytical needs
5) Design of future advanced measurement technology


April 2020 to March 2025

Membership Composition (As of Apr.2020)

Academia: 41  Industry: 34  Total membership: 75

Committee Chairperson

Masaaki Sugiyama
Specially Appointed Professor
Osaka University