Center for Science Information Analysis (CSIA)
Survey and Analysis
CSIA releases some reports in Japanese aperiodically to introduce information collected as part of the operation or a part of the results of the analyses to the exterior, and to deepen the understanding about CSIA’s activities.
In the repots, CSIA intends to take up a large variety of the results of analyses about JSPS programs including Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) and the information about overseas science-promotion organizations.
If you have any inquiries about these reports, please send e-mail to the following address.
E-Mail: csia * (Please replace “*” with “@”. )
In the repots, CSIA intends to take up a large variety of the results of analyses about JSPS programs including Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) and the information about overseas science-promotion organizations.
If you have any inquiries about these reports, please send e-mail to the following address.
E-Mail: csia * (Please replace “*” with “@”. )
掲載日 | 報告書名 | |
28-Mar-24 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2023 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (The development of international activities by the JSPS programs) |
11-Apr-23 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2022(2) 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (The development of international activities by the JSPS programs) |
11-Apr-23 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2022(1) JSPS CSIA-TECHNICAL-REPORT 「研究成果の質」に着目した基金化の効果の検証手法の一提案・解説 (A Proposed Method for Evaluating the Effectiveness of a Multi-Year Fund Focused on Quality of Research Outcome) |
11-Apr-22 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2021(2) JSPS CSIA-TECHNICAL-REPORT 公開情報による科学研究費等の研究助成に関する調査の方法 :KAKENデータベースを例に (Survey method of the funding information for scientific research by open data: Analysis of the KAKEN database) |
11-Apr-23 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2021(1) 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (The development of international activities by the JSPS programs) |
31-Mar-21 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2020(2) 海外のファンディングエージェンシーにおける審査・評価システムの最近の動向 (Recent trends in review and assessment systems in foreign funding agencies) |
31-Mar-21 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2020(1) 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (The development of international activities by the JSPS programs) |
22-Apr-20 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2019(2) 主要国のファンディングエージェンシーにおける学際的研究の推進方策 (Strategies for promoting interdisciplinary research in funding agencies in major countries) |
22-Apr-20 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2019(1) 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (The development of international activities by the JSPS programs) |
29-Mar-19 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2018(4) 学術情報分析センター 平成30年度活動報告 (Center for Science Information Analysis (CSIA) 2019 Activity Report) |
29-Mar-19 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2018(3) 出産・育児による研究中断を経験した若手研究者支援への取り組み -「特別研究員ーRPD(RestartPostdoctoral Fellowship)」の現状と推移- (The Program to support the young researchers suspended the research for purpose of child birth and infant nursing -The state and the change of Restart Postdoctoral Fellowship -) |
26-Dec-18 | JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2018(2) 日本学術振興会特別研究員事業によるポストドクターのフェローシップと海外研鑽の効果について ポストドクター等の動向分析から見えるもの① (Regarding the effect on the postdoctoral fellows by JSPS Research Fellowships for Young Scientists and by overseas studies Findings from the trend analysis of the post doctors -1-) |
July 06, 2018 (July 27, revised) |
JSPS-CSIA REPORT 2018(1) 日本学術振興会諸事業による国際的な活動の展開 (The development of the international activity by JSPS programs) |