Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


Overseas Fellowship Division
International Policy Planning Department, Headquarters for International Affairs,
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
5-3-1, Kojimachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0083 JAPAN
TEL +81-3-3263-2368
FAX +81-3-3234-3700
MAIL ronpaku*jsps.go.jp
(replace*with @)


Application Guidelines

Role of RONPAKU Home Advisor

• Reasons why the Home Advisors of RONPAKU candidates are asked to submit a “Supporting Statement” (Form 3) at the time the candidates apply for the RONPAKU Program

RONPAKU fellows are expected to obtain their PhD degrees within a tenure of up to three years. The Program requires RONPAKU fellows to conduct their study both in Japan and their home university or research institution. Every year, RONPAKU fellows go to Japan and their Japanese advisor(s) may visit the RONPAKU fellow’s home university or research institution. While there, they may need to use the institution’s facilities. Japanese adviser(s) may also conduct fieldwork with RONPAKU fellows. The Home Advisor should understand these conditions of the RONPAKU Program and be willing to approve attendant activities so as to ensure the success of the RONPAKU fellowship. Additionally, the “Supporting Statement” written by the Home Advisor helps JSPS to judge whether an applicant for the RONPAKU Program will be able to conduct his/her dissertation research and obtain a PhD degree within the prescribed period of the Program.